Summer(s) of '69 (2015)

Summer(s) of '69 (2015)

Performed by Elevate Ensemble

For two flute, trumpet, bassoon, two string quartets, bass, conductor, and video

Video by: Maggie Beidelman Benavides Performed by: Elevate Ensemble (Music Director Chad Goodman)

San Francisco is a city that has been defined by eras. First there was the gold rush, the wild west, and the transcontinental railroad from 1849-1869. Then there was the summer of love, creativity, and mental expansion, peaking around 1969. Finally, we live in an age of information, globalization, and innovation. While we like to think of our same city as wearing different clothes in each instance, in reality all of those traits have been present all along. The city has always been enterprising, artistic, and entrepreneurial. This piece is an exploration of those three seemingly disparate themes, viewed through a modern day lens only.

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